Science & research

Non-oncological indications of WBHT


Walz J, Hinzmann J, Haase I, Witte T. Ganzkörperhyperthermie in der Schmerztherapie. Eine kontrollierte Studie an Patienten mit Fibromyalgiesyndrom [Whole body hyperthermia in pain therapy. A controlled trial on patients with fibromyalgia]. Schmerz (2013) Feb;27(1):38-45. DOI: 10.1007/s00482-012-1288-4

HĂ€user W, Jung E, Erbslöh-Möller B, Gesmann M, KĂŒhn-Becker H, Petermann F, Langhorst J, Weiss T, Thoma R, Winkelmann A. Der deutsche Fibromyalgieverbraucherbericht [German consumer report on Fibromyalgia]. Der Schmerz (2012) 26. DOI: 10.1007/s00482-012-1161-5.

Brockow T, Wagner A, Franke A, OffenbĂ€cher M, Resch L. A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effectiveness of Mild Water-filtered Near Infrared Whole-body Hyperthermia as an Adjunct to a Standard Multimodal Rehabilitation in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia. The Clinical Journal of Pain (2007) 23(1): 67–75.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Lange U, MĂŒller-Ladner U, Dischereit G. Effectiveness of Whole-Body Hyperthermia by Mild Water-Filtered Infrared A Radiation in Ankylosing Spondylitis – A Controlled, Randomised, Prospective Study. Aktuelle Rheumatologie (2017) 42(02): 122-128. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-116945

Tarner IH, MĂŒller-Ladner U, Uhlemann C, Lange U. The effect of mild whole-body hyperthermia on systemic levels of TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-6 in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Clinical Rheumatology (2009) Apr;28(4):397-402. DOI: 10.1007/s10067-008-1059-x.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Lange U, Schwab F, MĂŒller-Ladner U, Dischereit G. Effectiveness of Whole-body Hyperthermia by Mild Water-filtered Infrared A Radiation in Psoriatic Arthritis: A Controlled, Randomised, Prospective Trial. Aktuelle Rheumatologie (2014) 39(05): 310-316. DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1383589


Lee CT, Kokolus KM, Leigh ND, Capitano M, Hylander BL, Repasky EA. Defining immunological impact and therapeutic benefit of mild heating in a murine model of arthritis. PLOS One (2015) Mar 20;10(3):e0120327.


Schenckinga M, Freseb T, Sandholzerb H. Behandlung einer Radikulopathie bei ossĂ€rer Metastasierung der LendenwirbelsĂ€ule durch Infrarot-AGanzkörperhyperthermie [Treatment of a Radiculopathia by Whole-Body Hyperthermia]. Forschende KomplementĂ€rmedizin (2008) 15:000–000. DOI: 10.1159/000159386

Chronic back pain

Ettrich, U., Konrad, B., Prate, K. et al. Milde Ganzkörperhyperthermie in Kombination mit stationĂ€rer multimodal orientierter Schmerztherapie. Evaluation bei Patienten mit chronischem unspezifischem lumbalem RĂŒckenschmerz. Der OrthopĂ€de (2014) 43: 165.

Arterial hypertension

Meffert B, Hochmuth O, Steiner M. Schert H-P . Meffert H. Effects of a multiple mild infra-red-A induced hyperthermia on central and peripheral pulse waves in hypertensive patients. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (1991) Volume 29, Issue 6, 45–48.

Major Depressive Disorder

Janssen CW, Lowry CA, Mehl MR, Allen JJ, Kelly KL, Gartner DE, Medrano A, Begay TK, Rentscher K, White JJ, Fridman A, Roberts LJ, Robbins ML, Hanusch KU, Cole SP, Raison CL. Whole-Body Hyperthermia for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry (2016) Aug 1;73(8):789-95


HĂŒppe M, MĂŒller J, Schulze J, Wernze H, Ohnsorge P. Treatment of patients burdened with lipophilic toxicants: A randomized controlled trial. Activitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva (2009) 51(3-4): 133–141.

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